Social Services Insurance
We are looking out for the needs of your organization.
Social service organizations like yours have unique exposures and insurance needs. Whether you’re a for-profit or not-for-profit charitable organization, we’ll provide you with a complete insurance program that’s customized for your facilities and clientele.
We provide insurance solutions for a range of social service organizations:
- Adoption Agencies
- Advocacy Groups
- Day Care Programs for Adults or Children
- Churches
- Community Centers
- Healthcare Organizations, including Hospices
- Religious or Cultural Organizations
- Schools
- Shelters
- Rehabilitation and Outreach Programs
Look to us for coverage for your organization’s unique risk
- Crisis Response
- Donation Assurance
- Kidnap Expense
- Employment Practices Liability
- Cyber Liability
- Abuse and Molestation
- Directors and Officers Liability
- Volunteer Accident Insurance
- General Liability
- Employee Benefits
Our mission is simply to help you fulfill your own
Our goal is to help you spend less time thinking about insurance, so you can focus more on what you do best.