What is Snow Plow Insurance for a Contractor?
If you’re a snow plow contractor or own a snow removal business, one necessity to protect your vehicles, company, and other aspects of your business is snow plow insurance. Generally, snow plow contractors are required by law to obtain a certain level of snow plow insurance coverage. Following a snow and/or ice storm, snow removal […]
Snow Removal Company Liability Insurance & Contract Language
Snow removal companies are often the first line when it comes to digging out in the aftermath of snow and ice storms across the country. They are the ones called upon to get out there and remove the snow and ice, so the rest of the community can return to school, work, and business as […]
Own a Snow Plow Company? Make Sure You Have the Right Insurance
As winter begins, snow plow companies of all sizes are getting ready for work. You know the work that goes into preparing your crews for the long winter ahead involves many tasks, including: Checking equipment Performing routine vehicle maintenance Verifying salt supplies Updating GPS navigation and tracking devices Confirming routes There is one other thing […]